Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Assignment 02 - Light and Shadow

For this assignment, we will be photographing all of our images in bright sunlight and we will concentrate on creating images that have interesting shadows, however, we must have some sunlit areas in our photos as well as the shadow areas

We also want to concentrate on getting used to operating our cameras and ensuring that our photos are in focus. Please see me during class to learn how focusing works on your specific camera and lens.

We are going to use the Sunny 16 Rule which is built upon ISO 100 film and states that if we have the following settings on our camera:

f/16 at 125th of a second using ISO 100 film (or a digital sensor set to ISO 100)

we will create a perfectly exposed image on a bright, sunny day. This formula works for digital as well as film cameras.

Since we are using ISO 400 film, which is four times more sensitive to the light than ISO 100 film, we must make adjustments to the formula and either use a smaller aperture (or f/stop), or use a faster shutter speed, or both. Thus, for ISO 400 film, we will adjust the Sunny 16 Rule and use any of the following settings:

USE  f/8 @ 2000

OR    f/11 @ 1000

OR    f/16 @ 500

OR    f/22 @ 250

OR    f/32 @ 125 



1.) Use any of the above settings as they will work perfectly on a bright, sunny day.

2.) Study the examples below for ideas. You can photograph people, places, or things.

3.) Look for interesting shadows created by your subjects. You will probably have the best results in the morning or the afternoon when shadows are long.

4.) Focus carefully.

5.) Use the entire roll of film for this assignment.

6.) Experiment, be creative, and have fun!

(above) Fan Ho, "Approaching Shadow" - 1954

(above) Lucien Clergue, "Nu Zebra" - 1979

(above) Herb Ritts, Sean Connery from his "Mature Men" series - 1989

(above) Harry Callahan, "Eleanor and Barbara, Chicago, 1953"

(above) Alfred Eisenstaedt, "Street Scene, Italy, 1932"

(above) David Durbak, "Silos, Purina Mills, Fort Worth, TX" - 2015

(above) David Durbak, "Heidi #4" - 1988

 (above) David Durbak, "Liberty in Darkness" - 1999

(above) David Durbak, "Twin Towers from Ellis Island, 1999"